Determined if the exception to the Johnson Act under IGRA applies. Courts to review this issue have applied the exception to the Johnson Act under IGRA to uphold the operation of slot machines where there was a tribal-state gaming compact, but where there was no such compact, courts have held that the operation of slot machines violated the. In 1950, the Johnson Act, a new federal law was passed that intended to wipe out the slot business. Since Federal law is applicable to matters that cross state lines, the Johnson Act made it illegal for slot machines to be transported interstate, or any state where slots were deemed illegal. Tribal interests—is that Congress intended to allow slot machines when operated with a state’s consent pursuant to a Tribal-State compact, but not under Secretarial Procedures in the absence of.
A variety of laws and regulations exist that govern how Indian gaming is conducted and regulated. Get acquainted with the laws and regulations that pertain to your gaming tribe, commission or facility.
Laws written by Congress provide the authority for the NIGC to write regulations.
• Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
• Johnson Act
• Gaming Criminal laws and Penalties
Regulations explain the technical, operational and legal details necessary to implement laws.
• Commission Regulations
• DOI Gaming Regulations
Compliance & Enforcement
NIGC helps regulated entities meet federal requirements and holds entities legally accountable for violations.
• About Compliance
• Agency Actions
• Commission Final Decisions
• Enforcement Actions
Policy & Guidance
Johnson Act Slot Machines
NIGC issues policy and guidance documents to assist the public and regulated entities.
• Legal Opinions
• Bulletins